Movies like Music and Lyrics to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Music, Musical & Romance movie Music and Lyrics with Brad Garrett, Drew Barrymore, Hugh Grant & Scott Porter & created by Marc Lawrence?

Movies like Music and Lyrics with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Music and Lyrics?

A washed up singer is given a couple days to compose a chart-topping hit for an aspiring teen sensation. Though he's never written a decent lyric in his life, he sparks with an offbeat younger woman with a flair for words.

TAGLINE: "Share the music with someone you love."

Its release date is Friday February 9, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Artists & Musicians, Love, music musicians, Piano, Pop Star, Romantic Comedy, Song & Song Writing
Genre Comedy, Music, Musical & Romance
Country The United States
Director Marc Lawrence
Starring Brad Garrett, Drew Barrymore, Hugh Grant & Scott Porter
Place New York City
Written by Marc Lawrence
Cinematography Xavier Pérez Grobet
Music Adam Schlesinger
Runtime 96 min

Other Comedy movies by Marc Lawrence

The Rewrite | Jun 15th, 2014

The Rewrite
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Two Weeks Notice | Dec 19th, 2002

Two Weeks Notice
6.1/10 | By Marc Lawrence
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The Life of Music | Feb 9th, 2007

The Life of Music
6.5/10 | By Ang Lee & Marc Lawrence
The United States | Comedy, Music & Romance
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Other Comedy movies written by Marc Lawrence

Life With Mikey | Jun 4th, 1993

Life With Mikey
5.5/10 | By James Lapine
The United States | Comedy & Family
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Miss Congeniality | Dec 14th, 2000

Miss Congeniality
6.2/10 | By Donald Petrie
The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation