Movies like My New Gun to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie My New Gun with Diane Lane, James Le Gros, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Tess Harper & created by Stacy Cochran?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of My New Gun?

Debbie and Gerald's lives drastically change after they get a gun. Their mysterious neighbor, Skippy, becomes and important and transforming figure in their lives.

TAGLINE: "A comedy about the American dream."

Its release date is Monday October 26, 1992

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Gun, Independent Film, Neighbor, Suburbia & Woman Director
Genre Comedy
Country United States of America
Director Stacy Cochran
Starring Diane Lane, James Le Gros, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Tess Harper
Place New Jersey
Location New Jersey
Written by Stacy Cochran
Runtime 99 min