Movies like Mystic Pizza to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Mystic Pizza with Annabeth Gish, Julia Roberts, Lili Taylor, Vincent D'Onofrio & Аnnabeth Gish & created by Donald Petrie?

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Three teenage girls come of age while working at a pizza parlor in the Connecticut town of Mystic.

TAGLINE: "A Romantic Comedy With The Works"

Its release date is Thursday October 13, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Commitment, Independent Film, Lobster & Portuguese American
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Donald Petrie
Starring Annabeth Gish, Julia Roberts, Lili Taylor, Vincent D'Onofrio & Аnnabeth Gish
Place Connecticut
Location Connecticut
Written by Alfred Uhry (screenplay), Amy Holden Jones (screenplay), Amy Holden Jones (story), Perry Howze (screenplay) & Randy Howze (screenplay)
Cinematography Tim Suhrstedt
Music David McHugh
Runtime 104 min

Other Comedy movies by Donald Petrie

Just My Luck | May 12th, 2006

Just My Luck
5.4/10 | By Donald Petrie
The United States | Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy & Romance
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Opportunity Knocks | Mar 30th, 1990

Opportunity Knocks
6.0/10 | By Donald Petrie
The United States | Comedy
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Ri¢hie Ri¢h | Dec 19th, 1994

Ri¢hie Ri¢h
5.3/10 | By Donald Petrie
The United States | Comedy & Family
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Other Comedy movies written by Alfred Uhry (screenplay)

Driving Miss Daisy | Dec 13th, 1989

Driving Miss Daisy
7.4/10 | By Bruce Beresford
The United States | Comedy & Drama
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz