Movies like Nanny Mcphee to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Family & Fantasy movie Nanny Mcphee with Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Kelly Macdonald & Thomas Brodie-Sangster & created by Kirk Jones?

Movies like Nanny Mcphee with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Nanny Mcphee?

A governess uses magic to rein in the behavior of seven ne'er-do-well children in her charge.

TAGLINE: "You'll learn to love her. Warts and all."

Its release date is Friday October 21, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Child Care Occupations Fiction, Children, Education, Family, Loss Of Loved One, Magic, Nannies, Nanny, Single father, Witchcraft & Wizard
Genre Comedy, Family & Fantasy
Country France & United Kingdom
Director Kirk Jones
Starring Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Kelly Macdonald & Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Place England
Time 1940s & 19th Century
Written by Christianna Brand ("Nurse Matilda" books) & Emma Thompson (screenplay)
Cinematography Henry Braham & Mike Eley
Music James Newton Howard & Patrick Doyle
Runtime 97 min

Other Comedy movies by Kirk Jones

Waking Ned | Sep 15th, 1998

Waking Ned
7.3/10 | By Kirk Jones
France & United Kingdom | Comedy
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