Movies like Nekromantik to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Horror movie Nekromantik with Beatrice Manowski, Colloseo Schulzendorf, Daktari Lorenz & Harald Lundt & created by Jörg Buttgereit?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Nekromantik?

A street sweeper who cleans up after grisly accidents brings home a full corpse for him and his wife to enjoy sexually, but is dismayed to see that his wife prefers the corpse over him.

TAGLINE: "Death is just the Beginning"

Its release date is Wednesday May 27, 1987

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Topic Fiction Animal Cruelty, Gay, Menage A Trois, Necrophilia, Obscenity Controversies, Relationship & Sex
Genre Drama & Horror
Country Germany
Director Jörg Buttgereit
Starring Beatrice Manowski, Colloseo Schulzendorf, Daktari Lorenz & Harald Lundt
Place Germany & Movie Theatre
Location Germany
Written by Franz Rodenkirchen & Jörg Buttgereit
Runtime 71 min