Movies like New Jack City to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie New Jack City with Allen Payne, Chris Rock, Ice-T & Wesley Snipes & created by Mario Van Peebles?

Movies like New Jack City with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of New Jack City?

A crime lord ascends to power and becomes megalomaniacal while a maverick police detective vows to stop him.

TAGLINE: "They're a new breed of gangster. The new public enemy. The new family of crime."

Its release date is Friday March 8, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic African American Organized Crime, Cops, Crack, Drug Dealer, Drugs, Gang Leader, Murderers, Narcissism, Revenge & Undercover Agent
Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Mario Van Peebles
Starring Allen Payne, Chris Rock, Ice-T & Wesley Snipes
Time 1986 & 1990
Written by Barry Michael Cooper (screenplay), Thomas Lee Wright (screenplay) & Thomas Lee Wright (story)
Cinematography Francis Kenny
Music * Vassal Benford * Michel Colombian & Stanley Clarke
Runtime 97 min

Other Crime movies by Mario Van Peebles

Hard Luck | Oct 17th, 2006

Hard Luck
5.2/10 | By Mario Van Peebles
United States of America | Crime, Drama & Thriller
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Other Crime movies written by Barry Michael Cooper (screenplay)

Above the Rim | Mar 23rd, 1994

Above the Rim
6.6/10 | By Jeff Pollack
The United States | Crime & Drama
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