Movies like Nothing to Hide to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Nothing to Hide with Bérénice Bejo, Stéphane De Groodt, Suzanne Clément & Vincent Elbaz & created by Fred Cavayé?

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-The time of a diner, couples of friends decide to play a "game": each must place his mobile phone in the middle of the table and each Sms, phone call, mail, Facebook message, etc. must be ...
Its release date is Wednesday October 17, 2018

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Genre Comedy & Drama
Country France
Director Fred Cavayé
Starring Bérénice Bejo, Stéphane De Groodt, Suzanne Clément & Vincent Elbaz
Written by Filippo Bologna (film "Perfetti sconosciuti"), Fred Cavayé (adaptation), Fred Cavayé (dialogue), Paola Mammini (film "Perfetti sconosciuti"), Paolo Costella (film "Perfetti sconosciuti"), Paolo Genovese (film "Perfetti sconosciuti") & Rolando Ravello (film "Perfetti sconosciuti")
Runtime 90 min

Other Comedy movies by Fred Cavayé

Penny Pincher! | Sep 28th, 2016

Penny Pincher!
5.8/10 | By Fred Cavayé & Kim Jung hwan
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No streaming sources available just yet

The Players | Feb 29th, 2012

The Players
5.3/10 | By Alexandre Courtès, Emmanuelle Bercot, Eric Lartigau, Fred Cavayé, Gilles Lellouche, Jan Kounen, Jean Dujardin & Michel Hazanavicius
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