Movies like Nuclear Hurricane to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Nuclear Hurricane with David Millbern, Jack Scalia, Jamie Luner & Meredith McGeachie & created by Fred Olen Ray?

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A "highly sophisticated computer system" at a nuclear power plant goes crazy. To make matters worse, it develops a capacity for reason and malice while a tropical island storm is blowing into town.
Its release date is Wednesday April 4, 2007

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Genre Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Fred Olen Ray
Starring David Millbern, Jack Scalia, Jamie Luner & Meredith McGeachie
Written by Anna Lorenzo
Runtime 88 min

Other Action movies by Fred Olen Ray

Cyclone | Jun 5th, 1987

4.4/10 | By Fred Olen Ray
The United States | Action & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Polar Opposites | Jan 1st, 2008

Polar Opposites
2.7/10 | By Fred Olen Ray
United States of America | Action
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A Mother’s Revenge | May 8th, 2016

A Mother’s Revenge
4.9/10 | By Fred Olen Ray
United States of America | Action, Drama & Thriller
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