Movies like Oldboy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Oldboy with Choi Min-sik, Kang Hye-jung, Kim Byeong-ok & Yoo Ji-tae & created by Chan-wook Park, Park Chan wook & Spike Lee?

Movies like Oldboy with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Oldboy?

After being kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, Oh Dae-Su is released, only to find that he must find his captor in five days.

TAGLINE: "15 years of imprisonment, five days of vengeance"

Its release date is Sunday September 28, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abduction, Child Sexual Abuse, Daughter, Filicide Fiction, Hostility, Incest, Loneliness, Notebook, Rage And Hate, Revenge, Sin, Solitude, Suicide & Sushi Restaurant
Genre Action, Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Country South Korea
Director Chan-wook Park, Park Chan wook & Spike Lee
Starring Choi Min-sik, Kang Hye-jung, Kim Byeong-ok & Yoo Ji-tae
Place New Orleans
Time 1988
Location Busan, New Orleans & New Zealand
Written by Chan-wook Park (screenplay), Chun-hyeong Lim (screenplay), Garon Tsuchiya (story), Jo-yun Hwang (screenplay) & Nobuaki Minegishi (comic)
Cinematography Chung hoon Chung & Sean Bobbitt
Music Jo Yeong wook & Roque Baños
Runtime 120 min

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