Movies like Omok Girl to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Omok Girl with An Woo-Yeon, Jang Hat-sal, Kim Jung-young & Park Se-wan?

Movies like Omok Girl with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Omok Girl?

LEE Baduk, once called a Baduk(Go) prodigy, quit playing go. At the local Omok(Gomoku) competition, where she played for the prize money, LEE meets with Omok genius KIM An-gyeong and goes to the national tournament. Finally, LEE confronts an inevitable battle with KIM with a terrible secret.
Its release date is Thursday May 24, 2018

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Starring An Woo-Yeon, Jang Hat-sal, Kim Jung-young & Park Se-wan