Movies like On Her Majesty’s Secret Service to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Thriller movie On Her Majesty’s Secret Service with Diana Rigg, Gabriele Ferzetti, George Lazenby & Telly Savalas & created by Peter R. Hunt?

Movies like On Her Majesty’s Secret Service with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service?

James Bond woos a mob boss's daughter and goes undercover to uncover the true reason for Blofeld's allergy research in the Swiss Alps that involves beautiful women from around the world.

TAGLINE: "Far up! Far out! Far more! James Bond 007 is back!"

Its release date is Friday December 12, 1969

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book, England, Honeymoon, London England, New Identity, Secret Identity, Suicide, Switzerland & Terrorism
Genre Action, Adventure & Thriller
Country United Kingdom
Director Peter R. Hunt
Starring Diana Rigg, Gabriele Ferzetti, George Lazenby & Telly Savalas
Place Alps, Portugal & Switzerland
Time 1969
Location Portugal & Switzerland
Written by Richard Maibaum (screenplay) & Simon Raven (additional dialogue)
Cinematography Michael Reed (cinematographer)
Music John Barry (composer)
Runtime 142 min

Other Action movies by Peter R. Hunt

Wild Geese II | Oct 18th, 1985

Wild Geese II
4.8/10 | By Peter R. Hunt
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Other Action movies written by Richard Maibaum (screenplay)

Goldfinger | Sep 17th, 1964

7.7/10 | By Guy Hamilton
United Kingdom | Action, Adventure & Thriller
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Thunderball | Dec 15th, 1965

7.0/10 | By Terence Young
Bahamas | Action, Adventure & Thriller
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