Movies like On Moonlight Bay to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Music & Romance movie On Moonlight Bay with Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Leon Ames & Rosemary DeCamp & created by Roy Del Ruth?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of On Moonlight Bay?

During World War I, a teenage girl begins a romance with a college student, but his unconventional attitudes cause friction with her father.

TAGLINE: "The lovin'est musical in many a moon!"

Its release date is Thursday July 26, 1951

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Brother, Family Relationships, Musical, Small town, Suitor, Tomboy & World War I
Genre Comedy, Music & Romance
Country The United States
Director Roy Del Ruth
Starring Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Leon Ames & Rosemary DeCamp
Place Indiana
Time 1910s
Written by Booth Tarkington (adapted from Penrod Stories by), Jack Rose (screenplay) & Melville Shavelson (screenplay)
Cinematography Ernest Haller
Music Max Steiner
Runtime 95 min

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Topper Returns
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The Life of the Party | Oct 25th, 1930

The Life of the Party
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