Movies like One Million American Dreams to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie One Million American Dreams with & created by Brendan Byrne?

Movies like One Million American Dreams with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of One Million American Dreams?

The story of one of New York's darkest secrets: An island where one million American souls are buried. Those who fell through the cracks of the American dream buried by prisoners from Rikers Island.

TAGLINE: "Searching for hope on an island of lost souls"

Its release date is Friday July 13, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Years
Genre Documentary
Country Ireland
Director Brendan Byrne
Time 2018
Written by N/A
Runtime 90 min

Other Documentary movies by Brendan Byrne

Other Documentary movies written by N/A

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