Movies like Patch Adams to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Patch Adams with Bob Gunton, Peter Coyote, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Robin Williams & created by Tom Shadyac?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Patch Adams?

The true story of a heroic man, Hunter "Patch" Adams, determined to become a medical doctor because he enjoys helping people. He ventured where no doctor had ventured before, using humour and pathos.

TAGLINE: "Laughter is contagious"

Its release date is Friday December 25, 1998

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Topic Biographical Physicians, Doctor, Hospital, Laughter & Nurse
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Tom Shadyac
Starring Bob Gunton, Peter Coyote, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Robin Williams
Place Virginia & West Virginia
Location North Carolina
Written by Maureen Mylander (book), Patch Adams (book) & Steve Oedekerk (screenplay)
Cinematography Phedon Papamichael Jr.
Music Marc Shaiman
Runtime 115 min

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