Movies like Patient Zero to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Horror movie Patient Zero with Clive Standen, Matt Smith, Natalie Dormer & Stanley Tucci & created by Kaare Andrews & Stefan Ruzowitzky?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Patient Zero?
After an unprecedented global pandemic has turned the majority of humankind into violent "Infected," a man gifted with the ability to speak the Infected's new language leads the last survivors on a hunt for Patient Zero and a cure.
Its release date is Tuesday August 14, 2018
Its release date is Tuesday August 14, 2018
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Diseases & Viruses, End Of The World, Global, Hostage Takings, Hunt, Language, Patient, Science, Survival, Survivor, Undead Popular Culture, Viral Outbreaks & Zombie |
Genre | Action, Drama & Horror |
Country | The United States & United Kingdom |
Director | Kaare Andrews & Stefan Ruzowitzky |
Starring | Clive Standen, Matt Smith, Natalie Dormer & Stanley Tucci |
Place | Italy, Rome, San Francisco & Surrey |
Location | Atlanta, Italy, London & Suffolk |
Written by | Jake Wade Wall (screenplay) & Mike Le (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Andrew Dunn (cinematographer), Benedict Neuenfels & Dariusz Wolski |
Music | Daniel Pemberton, Jake Monaco & Johnny Klimek |
Runtime | N/A |