Movies like Perfect Blue to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation & Thriller movie Perfect Blue with Junko Iwao, Masaaki Ōkura, Rica Matsumoto & Shinpachi Tsuji & created by Satoshi Kon?

Movies like Perfect Blue with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Perfect Blue?

A retired pop singer turned actress' sense of reality is shaken when she is stalked by an obsessed fan and seemingly a ghost of her past.

TAGLINE: "The color of illusion is Perfect Blue."

Its release date is Friday July 11, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animation, Career, Female Protagonist, J-pop, Japan, Singer, Split Personality & Stalker
Genre Animation & Thriller
Country Japan
Director Satoshi Kon
Starring Junko Iwao, Masaaki Ōkura, Rica Matsumoto & Shinpachi Tsuji
Written by Lia Sargent (english adaptation), Sadayuki Murai (screenplay), Shôtarô Ishinomori (characters: Powertron parody) & Yoshikazu Takeuchi (novel)
Cinematography Hisao Shirai
Music Masahiro Ikumi
Runtime 81 min

Other Animation movies by Satoshi Kon

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7.7/10 | By Satoshi Kon
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Millennium Actress | Sep 14th, 2002

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Tokyo Godfathers | Dec 29th, 2003

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7.9/10 | By Satoshi Kon & Shôgo Furuya(co-director)
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