Movies like Piano, Solo to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Piano, Solo with Jasmine Trinca, Kim Rossi Stuart, Michele Placido & Paola Cortellesi & created by Riccardo Milani?

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A biopic of jazz pianist Luca Flores.
Its release date is Friday September 21, 2007

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Topic Biographical Musicians
Country Italy
Director Riccardo Milani
Starring Jasmine Trinca, Kim Rossi Stuart, Michele Placido & Paola Cortellesi
Written by Claudio Piersanti (screenplay), Claudio Piersanti (story), Ivan Cotroneo (screenplay), Ivan Cotroneo (story), Riccardo Milani (screenplay) & Walter Veltroni (book)
Cinematography Arnaldo Catinari
Music Lele Marchitelli
Runtime 104 min