Movies like Planet Hulk to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Animation & Science Fiction movie Planet Hulk with Kevin Michael Richardson, Marc Worden, Mark Hildreth & Rick D. Wasserman & created by Sam Liu?

Movies like Planet Hulk with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Planet Hulk?

The Incredible Hulk, ejected from Earth in a spaceship, crash-lands on a planet ruled by a tyrant, who forces him to fight in a coliseum against other powerful creatures. The Hulk reluctantly befriends the combatants on his team.

TAGLINE: "Will he save their world... or destroy it?"

Its release date is Tuesday February 2, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Comic, Beta Ray Bill, Gladiatorial Games Fiction, Hulk, Illuminati, Space Opera, Superhero, Superhuman Strength & Sword And Planet
Genre Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Sam Liu
Starring Kevin Michael Richardson, Marc Worden, Mark Hildreth & Rick D. Wasserman
Written by Aaron Lopresti, Carlo Pagulayan (comic "Planet Hulk" by), Craig Kyle (screen story), Greg Johnson (screen story), Greg Johnson (screenplay), Greg Pak (based on the comic "Planet Hulk" by), Jack Kirby (character created by: The Incredible Hulk), Jose Ladronn, Joshua Fine (screen story), Lucio Parrillo & Stan Lee (creator: The Incredible Hulk)
Music Guy Michelmore
Runtime 81 min

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