Movies like Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys with & created by Brian Stillman?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys?

When Star Wars landed in the theaters, it introduced audiences to a galaxy filled with heroes and villains, robots and space ships, and a dizzying variety of alien life. But when the lights...

TAGLINE: "The Story of Star Wars Toys"

Its release date is Tuesday January 14, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Action Figures, Pop Culture, Space Opera, Star Wars & Toys
Genre Documentary
Country The United States
Director Brian Stillman
Written by Brian Stillman (story)
Cinematography Brian Stillman
Music Chris Ianuzzi
Runtime 70 min