Movies like Plaza to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Plaza with Adnan Devran, Deniz Altan & Onur Berk Arslanoğlu?

Movies like Plaza with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Plaza?

Emre, an unassigned teacher, receives his education and becomes a security guard under the direction of his family. He worked in a bank first, but when the bank is not satisfied with Emre, the company assigns it to an empty plaza that has been idle for years. Emre is obliged to spend 12 hours in this 27-storey plaza in Istanbul, where there is no one else. In this plaza where there is no one, Emre will find himself in the unexpected events and a mixed love.
Its release date is Sunday July 19, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Plaza
Genre Drama
Country Turkey
Starring Adnan Devran, Deniz Altan & Onur Berk Arslanoğlu