Movies like Point of No Return to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Point of No Return with Bridget Fonda, Dermot Mulroney, Gabriel Byrne & Miguel Ferrer & created by John Badham?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Point of No Return?

Drug addict Maggie Hayward's consistent violence, even in police custody, ends in the execution chamber. However, top secret U.S. government Agent "Bob" arranges a staged death, so Maggie ...

TAGLINE: "The Government gave her a choice. Death. Or life as an assassin. Now, there's no turning back"

Its release date is Friday March 19, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Assassin, Death Penalty, Doomed Man & Lethal Injection
Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director John Badham
Starring Bridget Fonda, Dermot Mulroney, Gabriel Byrne & Miguel Ferrer
Location New Orleans
Written by Alexandra Seros (screenplay), Luc Besson (film La Femme Nikita) & Robert Getchell (screenplay)
Cinematography Michael Ferris
Music Hans Zimmer
Runtime 109 min

Other Crime movies by John Badham

The Hard Way | Mar 8th, 1991

The Hard Way
6.3/10 | By John Badham
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Nick of Time | Nov 22nd, 1995

Nick of Time
6.3/10 | By John Badham
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Incognito | Nov 14th, 1997

6.6/10 | By John Badham
United States of America | Crime & Thriller
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