Movies like Police Academy 6: City Under Siege to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Crime movie Police Academy 6: City Under Siege with Bubba Smith, David Graf, Leslie Easterbrook & Michael Winslow & created by Peter Bonerz?

Movies like Police Academy 6: City Under Siege with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Police Academy 6: City Under Siege?

Those bumbling cadets take to the streets when three inept goons successfully orchestrate a metropolitan crime wave.

TAGLINE: "The Grads are going undercover in the city to unmask the mastermind of crime."

Its release date is Thursday March 9, 1989

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adversary, Competition, Gang, Gangster, Investigation, Jewel Thief & Mayor
Genre Comedy & Crime
Country United States of America
Director Peter Bonerz
Starring Bubba Smith, David Graf, Leslie Easterbrook & Michael Winslow
Location Los Angeles
Written by Neal Israel (characters), Pat Proft (characters) & Stephen Curwick
Cinematography Charles Rosher Jr.
Music Robert Folk
Runtime 84 min

Other Comedy movies written by Neal Israel (characters)