Movies like Postal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Comedy movie Postal with Chris Coppola, Dave Foley, J.K. Simmons & Zack Ward & created by Uwe Boll?

Movies like Postal with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Postal?

In the ironically named city of Paradise, a recently laid-off loser teams up with his cult-leading uncle to steal a peculiar bounty of riches from their local amusement park; somehow, the recently arrived Taliban have a similar focus, but a far more sinister intent.

TAGLINE: "Some comedies go too far... others start there."

Its release date is Saturday August 11, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Video Game, Gun Rampage, Machinegun & Person Running Amok
Genre Action & Comedy
Country Canada
Director Uwe Boll
Starring Chris Coppola, Dave Foley, J.K. Simmons & Zack Ward
Place Arizona & Paradise
Location Vancouver
Written by Bryan C. Knight & Uwe Boll
Cinematography Mathias Neumann
Music Jessica de Rooij
Runtime 100 min

Other Action movies by Uwe Boll

Rampage: President Down | Aug 26th, 2016

Rampage: President Down
4.9/10 | By Uwe Boll
United States of America | Action, Crime & Thriller
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