Movies like Princess of Mars to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Fantasy, Science Fiction & War movie Princess of Mars with Antonio Sabàto, Chacko Vadaketh, JR, Matt Lasky & Traci Lords & created by Mark Atkins?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Princess of Mars?
When a solider in the middle east gets wounded in the line of duty, he is teleported to the planet Barsoom. There, he must face the hostile aliens to fight for his survival again.
Its release date is Tuesday December 29, 2009
Its release date is Tuesday December 29, 2009
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Extraterrestrial Life, Mars & Missions to Mars & Planet Mars |
Genre | Fantasy, Science Fiction & War |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Mark Atkins |
Starring | Antonio Sabàto, Chacko Vadaketh, JR, Matt Lasky & Traci Lords |
Location | California |
Written by | Edgar Rice Burroughs (novel) & Mark Atkins |
Runtime | 93 min |