Movies like Psycho-Pass 3 Movie: First Inspector to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Science Fiction movie Psycho-Pass 3 Movie: First Inspector with Junichi Suwabe, Kaori Nazuka, Takahiro Sakurai & Yuichi Nakamura & created by Naoyoshi Shiotani?

Movies like Psycho-Pass 3 Movie: First Inspector with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Psycho-Pass 3 Movie: First Inspector?

After the events of Psycho-Pass 3, Inspector Kei Mikhail Ignatov finds himself involved with an organization named Bifrost. First Inspector Koichi Azusawa coordinates an assault on the Public Safety Bureau tower.
Its release date is Friday March 27, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anime, Dystopia, Manga & Terrorism Asia
Genre Action, Crime & Science Fiction
Country Japan
Director Naoyoshi Shiotani
Starring Junichi Suwabe, Kaori Nazuka, Takahiro Sakurai & Yuichi Nakamura
Time 2100s
Written by N/A
Runtime 135 min

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