Watch Akame Ga Kill online

Can you stream the Action, Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy tv show Akame Ga Kill, created by Tomoki Kobayashi & starring Sora Amamiya, Souma Saitou & Yukari Tamura on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Akame Ga Kill

A countryside boy named Tatsumi sets out on a journey to The Capital to make a name for himself and met a seemingly dangerous group of Assassins known as Night Raid. Their journey begins.

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Its air date is Sunday July 6, 2014

Production details

Creator Tomoki Kobayashi
Cast Sora Amamiya, Souma Saitou & Yukari Tamura
Genre Action, Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy
Country of origin Japan
First Air date 2014-07-06
Theme Anime, Assassinations, Assassins & Hitmen, Crime, Dystopia & Gore
Runtime 24


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