Movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Adventure movie Raiders of the Lost Ark with Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman & Ronald Lacey & created by Steven Spielberg?

Movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones is hired by the U.S. government to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis.

TAGLINE: "Indiana Jones - the new hero from the creators of JAWS and STAR WARS."

Its release date is Friday June 12, 1981

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cairo, Egypt, Himalaya, Moses, Museums Popular Culture, Nepal, Riddle, Saving The World & Whip
Genre Action & Adventure
Country The United States
Director Steven Spielberg
Starring Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman & Ronald Lacey
Place D.C., Peru & Washington
Time 1936
Location California, France & Tunisia
Written by George Lucas (story by), Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay by) & Philip Kaufman (story by)
Cinematography Douglas Slocombe
Music John Williams
Runtime 115 min

Other Action movies by Steven Spielberg

E.T. The extra-terrestrial
7.9/10 | By Steven Spielberg
The United States | Action, Adventure, Family, Sci-fi & Science Fiction
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Minority Report | Jun 20th, 2002

Minority Report
7.7/10 | By Steven Spielberg
The United States | Action, Adventure, Science Fiction & Thriller
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Munich | Dec 23rd, 2005

7.6/10 | By Steven Spielberg
Canada & The United States | Action, Drama & History
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Other Action movies written by George Lucas (story by)

Return of the Jedi | May 23rd, 1983

Return of the Jedi
8.3/10 | By Richard Marquand
The United States | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
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Willow | May 1st, 1988

7.3/10 | By Ron Howard
The United States | Action, Adventure, Drama & Fantasy
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