Movies like Rangoon to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Romance & Thriller movie Rangoon with Daniel Annie Pope, Gautham Karthik, Sana Makbul & Siddique & created by Rajkumar Periasamy?

Movies like Rangoon with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rangoon?

A story about three friends dealing illegal gold trafficking in India and when they think everything is going smoothly their life takes a u-turn when a business deal goes wrong in Rangoon
Its release date is Friday June 9, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bollywood, Indian Army & Indian National Army Fiction
Genre Action, Romance & Thriller
Country India
Director Rajkumar Periasamy
Starring Daniel Annie Pope, Gautham Karthik, Sana Makbul & Siddique
Place Myanmar
Time 1944
Location Arunachal Pradesh
Written by Rajkumar Periasamy
Runtime 126 min