Movies like Ravenous to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Horror & Western movie Ravenous with David Arquette, Guy Pearce, Jeremy Davies & Robert Carlyle & created by Antonia Bird & Robin Aubert?

Movies like Ravenous with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ravenous?

In a remote military outpost in the 19th Century, Captain John Boyd and his regiment embark on a rescue mission which takes a dark turn when they are ambushed by a sadistic cannibal.

TAGLINE: "You Are Who You Eat"

Its release date is Tuesday March 16, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Army, Cannibalism Fiction, Cave, Chase, Cliff, Cooking, Fort, Nudity & Winter
Genre Comedy, Horror & Western
Country Czech Republic & United Kingdom
Director Antonia Bird & Robin Aubert
Starring David Arquette, Guy Pearce, Jeremy Davies & Robert Carlyle
Place California, Mexico & Quebec
Time 1840s
Location Czech Republic & Slovakia
Written by Ted Griffin
Cinematography Anthony B. Richmond & Steeve Desrosiers
Music Damon Albarn & Pierre Philippe Côté
Runtime 101 min

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5.5/10 | By Rob Reiner
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