Movies like Raya and Sakina to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Raya and Sakina with Anwar Wagdi, Farid Shawqi, Negma Ibrahim & Zouzou Hamdy El-Hakim & created by Salah Abouseif?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Raya and Sakina?

Dramatic rendition of a real life crime wave that terrorized the city of Alexandria, Egypt, between the years 1920 and 1922. Women are disappearing without a trace in what looked like the ...
Its release date is Monday February 23, 1953

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Genre Crime & Drama
Country Egypt
Director Salah Abouseif
Starring Anwar Wagdi, Farid Shawqi, Negma Ibrahim & Zouzou Hamdy El-Hakim
Written by El Said Bedyr (dialogue) & Naguib Mahfouz (screenplay)
Runtime 81 min