Movies like Red Istanbul to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Red Istanbul with Halit Ergenç, Mehmet Günsür, Nejat İşler & Tuba Büyüküstün & created by Ferzan Ozpetek?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Red Istanbul?

Deniz, an acclaimed author, is writing a book about his family and friends. He asks Orhan for critics. The day Orhan came to Istanbul from London, Deniz disappears. Orhan, Deniz's friend Neval and Deniz's lover Yusuf tries to find Deniz.
Its release date is Thursday March 2, 2017

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Topic Travel Writer & Writer
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Italy & Turkey
Director Ferzan Ozpetek
Starring Halit Ergenç, Mehmet Günsür, Nejat İşler & Tuba Büyüküstün
Written by Ferzan Ozpetek (novel), Ferzan Ozpetek (screenplay) & Gianni Romoli
Runtime 110 min

Other Drama movies by Ferzan Ozpetek

Facing Windows | Feb 27th, 2003

Facing Windows
7.4/10 | By Ferzan Ozpetek
Italy & United Kingdom | Drama & Romance
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