Movies like Rest Stop to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Rest Stop with Deanna Russo, Diane Salinger, Jaimie Alexander & Joey Mendicino & created by John Shiban?
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The film follows Nicole Carrow, a young woman who is threatened by a maniac serial killer, after her boyfriend Jess, is abducted in a rest stop.
Its release date is Saturday October 7, 2006
Its release date is Saturday October 7, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Cannibalism Fiction, Lorry, Roadhouse & Truck Driver |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Country | The United States |
Director | John Shiban |
Starring | Deanna Russo, Diane Salinger, Jaimie Alexander & Joey Mendicino |
Time | 2006 |
Written by | John Shiban |
Cinematography | Mark Vargo |
Music | Bear McCreary |
Runtime | 80 min |