Movies like Return to House on Haunted Hill to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Return to House on Haunted Hill with Amanda Righetti, Cerina Vincent, Erik Palladino & Tom Riley & created by Víctor García & Victor Garcia (Spanish director)?
Movies like Return to House on Haunted Hill with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Return to House on Haunted Hill?
Eight years after the millionaire Mr. Price rented Hill House for a macabre birthday party, a team of researchers dares to come in, looking for a precious statue, a satanic idol who is believed to possess demonic powers.
Its release date is Wednesday October 3, 2007
Its release date is Wednesday October 3, 2007
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Evil, Haunted House, Horror & Psychiatry |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Country | The United States |
Director | Víctor García & Victor Garcia (Spanish director) |
Starring | Amanda Righetti, Cerina Vincent, Erik Palladino & Tom Riley |
Place | Los Angeles |
Time | 1930s |
Location | Bulgaria |
Written by | Robb White (based on characters created by) & William Massa |
Cinematography | Lorenzo Senatore |
Music | Frederik Wiedmann |
Runtime | 79 min |