Movies like Return to House on Haunted Hill to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Return to House on Haunted Hill with Amanda Righetti, Cerina Vincent, Erik Palladino & Tom Riley & created by Víctor García & Victor Garcia (Spanish director)?

Movies like Return to House on Haunted Hill with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Return to House on Haunted Hill?

Eight years after the millionaire Mr. Price rented Hill House for a macabre birthday party, a team of researchers dares to come in, looking for a precious statue, a satanic idol who is believed to possess demonic powers.
Its release date is Wednesday October 3, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Evil, Haunted House, Horror & Psychiatry
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Víctor García & Victor Garcia (Spanish director)
Starring Amanda Righetti, Cerina Vincent, Erik Palladino & Tom Riley
Place Los Angeles
Time 1930s
Location Bulgaria
Written by Robb White (based on characters created by) & William Massa
Cinematography Lorenzo Senatore
Music Frederik Wiedmann
Runtime 79 min

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The Damned
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The Communion Girl | Feb 10th, 2023

The Communion Girl
N/A/10 | By Víctor García
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