Movies like Runaway to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Runaway with Cynthia Rhodes, Gene Simmons, Kirstie Alley & Tom Selleck & created by Michael Crichton?

Movies like Runaway with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Runaway?

In the near future, a police officer specializes in malfunctioning robots. When a robot turns out to have been programmed to kill, he begins to uncover a homicidal plot to create killer robots... and his son becomes a target.

TAGLINE: "IT IS THE FUTURE. Machines are being programmed to turn against us. Someone must stop the madman who started it all."

Its release date is Friday December 14, 1984

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Chase, Conspiracy, Explosion, Future, Murder, Revenge, Robot & Technology
Genre Crime, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Michael Crichton
Starring Cynthia Rhodes, Gene Simmons, Kirstie Alley & Tom Selleck
Location Vancouver
Written by Michael Crichton
Runtime 99 min