Movies like Safe Corridor to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & War movie Safe Corridor with Dato Bakhtadze, Gio Gabunia, Goga Pipinashvili & Tamar Abshilava & created by Dito Tsintsadze?

Movies like Safe Corridor with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Safe Corridor?

A story of the film is based on real events that occurred during the Russian military intervention in Georgia in 2008. Shindisi is a name of the place where Russian occupation forces sieged Georgian military after peace corridor w...

TAGLINE: "The true story you should know."

Its release date is Thursday September 5, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama & War
Country Georgia
Director Dito Tsintsadze
Starring Dato Bakhtadze, Gio Gabunia, Goga Pipinashvili & Tamar Abshilava
Written by Irakli Solomonashvili
Runtime 101 min