Movies like Sahara to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Comedy movie Sahara with Matthew McConaughey, Penélope Cruz, Steve Zahn & William H. Macy & created by Breck Eisner?

Movies like Sahara with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sahara?

Master explorer Dirk Pitt goes on the adventure of a lifetime of seeking out a lost Civil War battleship known as the "Ship of Death" in the deserts of West Africa while helping a WHO doctor being hounded by a ruthless dictator.

TAGLINE: "Dirk Pitt. Adventure has a new name."

Its release date is Wednesday April 6, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Friendship, Ironclad Ship & Tyrant
Genre Action, Adventure & Comedy
Country Germany & Spain
Director Breck Eisner
Starring Matthew McConaughey, Penélope Cruz, Steve Zahn & William H. Macy
Place Africa, Deserts, Mali, Niger & Nigeria
Location Morocco
Written by Clive Cussler (novel), James V. Hart (screenplay), John C. Richards (screenplay), Joshua Oppenheimer (screenplay) & Thomas Dean Donnelly (screenplay)
Cinematography Seamus McGarvey
Music Clint Mansell
Runtime 124 min

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The Crazies | Mar 16th, 1973

The Crazies
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The United States | Action, Horror, Sci-fi & Thriller
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Sahara | Feb 1st, 2017

5.5/10 | By Breck Eisner & Pierre Coré
Canada, France & Germany | Action, Adventure, Animation & Comedy
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The Last Witch Hunter | Oct 21st, 2015

The Last Witch Hunter
6.0/10 | By Breck Eisner
The United States | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
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