Movies like Samantha: An American Girl Holiday to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Family movie Samantha: An American Girl Holiday with AnnaSophia Robb, Kelsey Lewis, Mia Farrow & Olivia Ballantyne & created by Nadia Tass?

Movies like Samantha: An American Girl Holiday with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Samantha: An American Girl Holiday?

Set in 1904, "American Girls" revolves around Samantha as she moves in with her grandmother and learns how to become a proper Victorian young lady.
Its release date is Tuesday November 23, 2004

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Topic Child Labour, Labour, New York City Fiction & Orphans
Genre Drama & Family
Director Nadia Tass
Starring AnnaSophia Robb, Kelsey Lewis, Mia Farrow & Olivia Ballantyne
Place New York (state)
Time 1904
Location Toronto
Written by Valerie Tripp ("Samantha" stories from the "The American Girl Collection")
Runtime 86 min