Movies like Santa & Cie to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Santa & Cie with Alain Chabat, Audrey Tautou, Bruno Sanches & Pio Marmaï & created by Alain Chabat?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Santa & Cie?

When all the elves get sick, Santa must find a cure on Earth to save Christmas.

TAGLINE: "Hold on for deer life!"

Its release date is Wednesday December 6, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Santa Claus
Genre Comedy
Country France
Director Alain Chabat
Starring Alain Chabat, Audrey Tautou, Bruno Sanches & Pio Marmaï
Written by Alain Chabat (adaptation), Alain Chabat (dialogue) & Alain Chabat (screenplay)
Runtime 92 min

Other Comedy movies by Alain Chabat

Didier | Jan 28th, 1997

6.2/10 | By Alain Chabat
France | Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu YouTube iTunes

RRRrrrr!!! | Jan 28th, 2004

5.8/10 | By Alain Chabat
France | Comedy
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