Movies like Satan’s Triangle to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & TV Movie movie Satan’s Triangle with Alejandro Rey, Doug McClure, Ed Lauter & Kim Novak & created by Sutton Roley?

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A US coast guard finds only a woman still alive aboard a shipwreck. She tells her rescuer what happened and soon, they find themselves trapped in a mysterious part of the ocean known as Satan's Triangle.

TAGLINE: "A tale of mounting terror!"

Its release date is Monday February 5, 1979

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Topic Bermuda Triangle, Catholic Priest, Lost At Sea & Womanizer
Genre Horror, Mystery & TV Movie
Country United States of America
Director Sutton Roley
Starring Alejandro Rey, Doug McClure, Ed Lauter & Kim Novak
Written by William Read Woodfield
Runtime 74 min