Movies like Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary & TV Movie movie Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland with Brian Encinia, Cannon Lambert, Robert E. Brzezinski & Sandra Bland & created by David Heilbroner & Kate Davis?

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An investigation into what happened to activist Sandra Bland, who died in police custody after a routine traffic stop.

TAGLINE: "Passion cannot be silenced"

Its release date is Wednesday April 25, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Activist, Black Lives Matter, Death & Grieving, Jail Cell, Police Brutality, Texas & Woman Director
Genre Documentary & TV Movie
Country United States of America
Director David Heilbroner & Kate Davis
Starring Brian Encinia, Cannon Lambert, Robert E. Brzezinski & Sandra Bland
Written by N/A
Runtime 105 min

Other Documentary movies written by N/A

The City Dark | Jan 20th, 2012

The City Dark
7.0/10 | By Alex Proyas & Ian Cheney
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