Movies like Sentinelle to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Thriller movie Sentinelle with Andrey Gorlenko, Guillaume Duhesme, Marilyn Lima, Martin Swabey, Michel Nabokoff & Olga Kurylenko & created by Julien Leclercq?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sentinelle?
Transferred home after a traumatizing combat mission, a trained French soldier uses her lethal skills to hunt down the man who hurt her sister.
Its release date is Friday March 5, 2021
Its release date is Friday March 5, 2021
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Army, France, Marseille, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Ptsd, Rape, Revenge, Siblings, Terrorism & Terrorism Asia |
Genre | Action, Drama & Thriller |
Country | France |
Director | Julien Leclercq |
Starring | Andrey Gorlenko, Guillaume Duhesme, Marilyn Lima, Martin Swabey, Michel Nabokoff & Olga Kurylenko |
Place | France & Middle East |
Location | Belgium, France & Morocco |
Written by | Julien Leclercq, Julien Leclercq (scenario & dialogue), Matthieu Serveau & Matthieu Serveau (scenario & dialogue) |
Runtime | 80 min |