Movies like Senza nessuna pietà to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Senza nessuna pietà with Adriano Giannini, Claudio Gioé, Greta Scarano & Pierfrancesco Favino & created by Michele Alhaique?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Senza nessuna pietà?

Mimmo, a worker respected by his friends and colleagues, actually collecting debts with violent methods on behalf of his uncle. After meeting with the young escort Tania, Mimmo decides to redeem himself from a life that let him down.
Its release date is Thursday September 11, 2014

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Genre Crime & Drama
Country Italy
Director Michele Alhaique
Starring Adriano Giannini, Claudio Gioé, Greta Scarano & Pierfrancesco Favino
Written by Andrea Garello, Emanuele Scaringi & Michele Alhaique
Cinematography Ivan Casalgrandi
Music Luca Novelli
Runtime 95 min