Movies like Septembers of Shiraz to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Septembers of Shiraz with Adrien Brody, Gabriella Wright, Salma Hayek & Shohreh Aghdashloo & created by Wayne Blair?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Septembers of Shiraz?
Prior to the Iranian revolution it was a place where people of all religions were allowed to flourish. This is the story of a prosperous Jewish family who abandon everything before they are consumed by the passions of revolutionaries.
Its release date is Tuesday September 15, 2015
Its release date is Tuesday September 15, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama & Thriller |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Wayne Blair |
Starring | Adrien Brody, Gabriella Wright, Salma Hayek & Shohreh Aghdashloo |
Location | Bulgaria |
Written by | Dalia Sofer (novel) & Hanna Weg |
Cinematography | Warwick Thornton |
Music | Mark Isham |
Runtime | 110 min |