Movies like Shadow Of The Star to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Music & Romance movie Shadow Of The Star with Alexandra Cherkasova, Kirill Nagiev, Pavel Priluchnyy & Yuliya Dzutseva?

Movies like Shadow Of The Star with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Shadow Of The Star?

The popular rapper comes on tour in St. Petersburg. His fans adore and wait, he is at the peak of fame, he is confident in himself. Together with the star, his manager, musicians and a girl come. Suddenly an attempt is made on a musician. He miraculously manages to escape death, but his manager decides to hire a security guard. It turns out that the guard is ... a girl. She is a professional in her field, but in the brutal world of rap, a woman has a difficult time. The bodyguard understands the star’s entangled relationship and understands that each of the rapper’s entourage could wish for his death. At a crucial moment, the “bodyguard” saves his life. However, she learned too much, and the musician comes time to save her bodyguard.
Its release date is Thursday May 28, 2020

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Topic Time Travel
Genre Drama, Music & Romance
Country Russia
Starring Alexandra Cherkasova, Kirill Nagiev, Pavel Priluchnyy & Yuliya Dzutseva
Time 1988, 2006, 2015 & 2024
Location Philadelphia & Toronto