Movies like Shoot for the Moon to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Shoot for the Moon with Kalle Kinnunen, Martin Sandelin, Tero Kaukomaa & Timo Vuorensola?
Movies like Shoot for the Moon with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Shoot for the Moon?
A documentary about the trials and tribulations of being a entrepreneur and film maker in Finland from the makers of Iron Sky franchise.
Its release date is Friday April 10, 2020
Its release date is Friday April 10, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Documentary Filmmaking & Kashmir Conflict |
Genre | Documentary |
Country | Finland |
Starring | Kalle Kinnunen, Martin Sandelin, Tero Kaukomaa & Timo Vuorensola |
Location | Jammu Kashmir |