Movies like Sin Reaper to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Sin Reaper with Hazuki Kato, Helen Mutch, Lance Henriksen & Patrick J. Thomas & created by Joe D'Amato & Sebastian Bartolitius?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sin Reaper?

Young Samantha Walker has been tortured by nightmarish visions for years. With the help of Dr. Hoffman, she faces her unknown past by taking his advice and traveling to Germany. Having been...
Its release date is Wednesday January 2, 2013

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Topic Insurance Fraud, Knight Templars, Mexican Drug Cartels, Museum, Psychiatrist, Recurring Dream, Television Series Dysfunctional Families & Television Series Organized Crime
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country Germany
Director Joe D'Amato & Sebastian Bartolitius
Starring Hazuki Kato, Helen Mutch, Lance Henriksen & Patrick J. Thomas
Place Italy, Mediterranean Sea & Rome
Location Greece, Italy, Lazio & Rome
Written by Manuel Johnen, Matthias Haag, Matthias Haag (story), Nico Sentner, Nico Sentner (story) & Sebastian Bartolitius (story)
Cinematography Enrico Biribicchi & Paul Maibaum
Music Marcello Giombini
Runtime 90 min

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