Movies like Sing Street to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama, Musical & Romance movie Sing Street with Aidan Gillen, Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Lucy Boynton & Maria Doyle Kennedy & created by John Carney?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sing Street?

A boy growing up in Dublin during the 1980s escapes his strained family life by starting a band to impress the mysterious girl he likes.

TAGLINE: "Boy meets girl. Girl unimpressed. Boy starts band."

Its release date is Friday March 11, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animated Animals, Bands, Competitions, Dublin, Education, Friendship, London England, Music, music musicians, Music Video, Prom, Sibling Relationship, Teenagers & Video
Genre Comedy, Drama, Musical & Romance
Country Ireland & United Kingdom
Director John Carney
Starring Aidan Gillen, Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Lucy Boynton & Maria Doyle Kennedy
Place A Theatre, Dublin (city) & Theatre
Time 1985
Written by John Carney (screenplay) & Simon Carmody (story)
Music Joby Talbot
Runtime 106 min

Other Comedy movies by John Carney

Begin Again | Sep 7th, 2013

Begin Again
7.4/10 | By John Carney
The United States | Comedy, Music, Musical & Romance
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