Movies like Soapdish to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Soapdish with Cathy Moriarty, Kevin Kline, Robert Downey Jr. & Sally Field & created by Michael Hoffman?

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An ambitious television soap actress connives with her producer to scuttle the career of the show's long-time star, but nothing works as they plan.

TAGLINE: "All that glitter... All that glamour... All that dirt."

Its release date is Friday May 31, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Actors, Soap Opera, Television, Television Broadcast, Transgenders & Tv Show
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Michael Hoffman
Starring Cathy Moriarty, Kevin Kline, Robert Downey Jr. & Sally Field
Written by Andrew Bergman (screenplay), Robert Harling (screenplay) & Robert Harling (story)
Cinematography Ueli Steiger
Music Alan Silvestri
Runtime 97 min

Other Comedy movies by Michael Hoffman

One Fine Day | Dec 20th, 1996

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Other Comedy movies written by Andrew Bergman (screenplay)

Fletch | May 31st, 1985

6.9/10 | By Michael Ritchie
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Blazing Saddles | Feb 7th, 1974

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7.8/10 | By Mel Brooks
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The Scout | Sep 30th, 1994

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5.4/10 | By Michael Ritchie
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