Movies like Solar Flare to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction, Thriller & TV Movie movie Solar Flare with Chris Brochu, Michelle Clunie, Ted Monte & Tracey Gold & created by Fred Olen Ray?

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A young math genius discovers a huge solar storm on the verge of destroying the Earth's power grid and he must alert the world before a powerful businessman stops him.
Its release date is Monday June 9, 2008

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Genre Science Fiction, Thriller & TV Movie
Country United States of America
Director Fred Olen Ray
Starring Chris Brochu, Michelle Clunie, Ted Monte & Tracey Gold
Written by Ernest Fogelberg
Runtime 87 min

Other Science Fiction movies by Fred Olen Ray

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Nuclear Hurricane | Apr 4th, 2007

Nuclear Hurricane
3.2/10 | By Fred Olen Ray
United States of America | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
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Warlords | Jan 1st, 1988

4.1/10 | By Fred Olen Ray
The United States | Action & Science Fiction
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