Movies like Someone’s Gaze to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Drama & Science Fiction movie Someone’s Gaze with Satomi Hanamura & Shinji Ogawa & created by Makoto Shinkai?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Someone’s Gaze?

A futuristic story about a newly independent female and her maturation into independence. The narrator details the effect her development is having on her relationship with her father.
Its release date is Friday February 8, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Animation, Drama & Science Fiction
Country Japan
Director Makoto Shinkai
Starring Satomi Hanamura & Shinji Ogawa
Written by Makoto Shinkai
Runtime 7 min

Other Animation movies by Makoto Shinkai

Your Name. | Aug 26th, 2016

Your Name.
8.4/10 | By Luca Guadagnino & Makoto Shinkai
Japan | Animation, Drama & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation

Weathering with You | Jul 19th, 2019

Weathering with You
N/A/10 | By Makoto Shinkai
Japan | Animation, Fantasy & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

Voices of a Distant Star | Feb 2nd, 2002

Voices of a Distant Star
7.2/10 | By Makoto Shinkai
Japan | Animation, Romance & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Animation movies written by Makoto Shinkai

Weathering with You | Jul 19th, 2019

Weathering with You
N/A/10 | By Makoto Shinkai
Japan | Animation, Fantasy & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

Voices of a Distant Star | Feb 2nd, 2002

Voices of a Distant Star
7.2/10 | By Makoto Shinkai
Japan | Animation, Romance & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet